Zitopay in Transport

Smooth payments on-the-move

Enable easy travel with quick and secure payments. We help you provide quick and easy payment methods for your customers’ travel bookings.
To accelerate the transport revolution, Zitopay is combining its payment expertise with ticketing.

Using a scan-to-pay solution powered by Zitopay, passengers can pay for journeys with mobile money or digital wallet. Fast, frictionless payment enhances their travel experience.

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Key Benefits

We offer scan & pay feature, which allows travelers to pay with Mobile Money, Credit card, Bank Account, and Bitcoin. Providing a range of easy-to-integrate payment solutions that meet theirs and their customers’ needs. Whether they need equipment or a payment processor, we help to put them at the cutting-edge of payment technology.

Our technology delivers seamless payment journeys from the get-go, along with operational efficiencies and valuable insights into purchasing and traveling behavior.

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Fully safe and secure

Online payment security is all about guarding your businesses and protecting your customers’ personal details. Your information is hashed to Enable safety


speedy payments

Our Payment gateway has a high Payment processing speed is in receiving a response from the API call. This makes transactions very swift with our service


consistent payment

Provide consistent always available payment experiences: in-person; online; or on mobile. Payment is done in the same way over time, especially so as to be fair or accurate hence guaranteeing safety and trust


Excellent technical support

The zitopay document is very explicit for technical support and the support team is available 24/7 to assist you. We can contact us at every time and we will be available to help you


Accept passenger payments on the move, or on the platform

We work with a variety of transport operators around the world, providing a range of easy-to-integrate payment solutions that meet theirs and their customers’ needs. Whether they need equipment or a payment processor, we help to put them at the cutting-edge of payment technology.

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Let’s take a ride!

Zitopay is opening up additional revenue opportunities and reaching a new level of innovation for the transportation industry. The solution is easily integrated into any ticketing platforms (validation equipment) and payment environments (mobile money and Banks), and compliant with all security standards.

checl The solution is easily integrated
checl Payment environments (mobile money)
checl Compliant with all security

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